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Faceless Objects - The Band

Faceless Objects - The Band!


After three years of hard work on our project we are more than happy that we finally have the perfect team to bring out the best of Faceless Objects on stage! Three very talented, experienced and enthusiastic musicians ready to rock!


On Keyboard - Martin

Martin is a classical trained pianist. An enthusiastic and very funny guy who is absorbing music, movies, arts and history like a sponge. He describes Faceless Objects as an offer, he couldn't refuse: Fantastic band collegues and great music. We're lucky to have him for bringing our psychedelic sounds to the audience in a fascinating way.
His influences are broadly diversified: Classical music 10th to 21st century, Jazz and everything between or beyond Bob Dylan, David Bowie, The Cure and Black Sabbath. He also loves F.M. Murnau (Nosferatu) and Monty Phyton.


On Drums - Mexx

Mexx has been a musician since age 6 and is an absolute groove junkie. A fantastic and experienced drummer who is always looking for new things and who will never stop trying to get better - ready to take over the world!
After being a short time in the band he already started making his own additions to the songs - pushing them even higher instead of changing them. Glad he's with us and we're ready to take over the world together! And if you wanna learn from him how to be a better drummer: Mexx has his own drumschool. Follow him on Markus Kicker Crazy Drumschool and book now! His musical influences are: Chat Smith, Joe Morello, Lars Ulrich, Mike Portnoy and many more.


On Guitar - Zoran

Zoran has been "married" to his first and greatest love - the guitar - since age 14. He plays the entire repertoire in his favourite chord D minor and dreams of playing in "Hotel California" one day. His motto: Rock & Beer!!
He is open to all musical challenges and directions - and we are happy to have him as he is not afraid to play the sometimes disrythmic and disharmonic tunes of Faceless Objects. He takes on the challenge and succeeds! His musical influences are: Rock, Hard, Metal, Trash, Heavy, Psychedelic...

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