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Songs of the album Confused
[22th Aug. 2023]
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums by Mike
Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
CROSSING... Sometimes you need to leave it all may be things, situations or people that are just doing you harm and holding you back. False promises, fake friendships - it's ok to end that and get ahead with your own life.
[28th Feb. 2023]
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums by Mike
Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
FREE is about the feeling of not being heard and about being of little or no worth the world. But think might have been a significant ray of light in someones’s life and still might be - leaving an everlasting positive impression. Know your worth - for it may be greater than you think.
[13th September 2022]
Song, Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums by Mike
UNBROKEN - Life may throw a lot of pain and sorrow in your way. You might bend, you might stumble or even fall. But don‘t let anything or anyone decide your fate. Rely on your inner strength and make sure your light - in soul and spirit - remains unbroken.
[26th May 2022]
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums, Vocals by Mike
Song, Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
OBSESSED is about something that can happen to everyone. It lies within us. No matter what colour, race or religion, no matter if the obsession is a thing, a person or a situation.. And be aware - overcoming one obsession does not mean that there can't grow a new one inside.
[27. January 2022]
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums by Mike
Song, Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
ARISING is dedicated to everyone who has been a victim of the crisis. And we all are...People who have lost their jobs, their existence, loved ones. People who have lost all joy or hope. Our message: Don't give up fighting!
Rise from the ashes!
[15. October 2021]
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums, Vocals by Mike
Song, Bass, Lyrics & Video by Ella
REBORN is about having a complete change in your life. You leave behind your old self, the darkness in your life dies. You are reborn into a new world and as a new person. You finally become who you always wanted to be and who were always meant to be.
[15. July 2021]
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums by Mike
Song, Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
LOST is about the feeling of not knowing where your place in life is or if you have one at all. All hope seems lost and you think you have reached the end of your path. But even in deepest darkness there might be a light. Small at first, but growing, it will guide you through the darkness to finally reach the place where you belong.
Thanks to Chelly & Kristijan for providing us with the perfect location.
[06. May 2021]
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums by Mike
Song, Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
Chained is about feeling bound to something in life. You feel the need to break free and get out of the chains that hold you back. But when you get out - is it what you wanted? Maybe being in those chains was the thing that made you free..
[18. Feb. 2021]
Song, Guitars, Keys, Drums by Mike
Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
Shocked is about life and its decisions. A door /opportunity opens up. Will you be able to pass and get through the next door or will it remain closed? it always a bad thing if it does?
[28. Dec. 2020]
Song, Bass, Vocals, Lyrics & Video by Ella
Guitar, Drums, Keys by Mike
Confused is about how you handle new situations in life. They might appear confusing or scary - what should you do? Run away or face them?

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